Senin, 15 Juni 2015

Contoh Narrative Text

     Udah lama gak buka document di komputer, pas lagi buka-buka file Word eh ketemu sama narasi bahasa inggris yang gue bikin waktu SMA kelas 2. Narasi ini bercerita tentang gue dan beberapa temen gue yang terpaksa pergi ke TMII buat ngerjain tugas bikin review tempat-tempat yang udah ditentuin sama guru gara-gara kita gak ikut study wisata ke Bali. Kalau lu nannya kenapa gak ikut, ya gue pasti jawab "duitnya bos...", semua karena uang, kan lu tau sendiri study wisata dari Depok ke Bali itu gak murah, gue aja diminta biaya satu juta lebih waktu itu, jadi karena dana tidak mencukupi akhirnya gue pergi dah ke TMII sesuai dengan amanat dari bapak-ibu guru, dikarangan ini gue nyebut Taman mini dengan sebutan little garden, kenapa? analogi aja, Taman = garden, Mini = little, jadi kalau taman mini? ya Little Garden, haha. Sampai sekarang gue gak tau kalau karangan bahasa Inggris yang berbentuk narrative bikinan gue ini bener apa enggak, soalnya selesai gue bikin gak pake gue periksa lagi dan langsung gue kumpulin, setelah dikumpulin gak tau lagi gimana nasib karangan gue, entah bener apa enggak, tapi tiba-tiba gue udah lulus SMA aja, jadi jangan dipake sembarangan nih karangan, kalau pun dipake gue angkat tangan dah.
Walk To Little Garden

    A few week ago I went to an amusement park named Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. This place can be called as little Indonesia because this place can describe about Indonesian culture generally in a museum form. I went to this place not just for having fun but also to do some task that have been given by teacher as a consequence for not participating in a school trip.
In this place I must observing three places that had decided by teacher namely Bali museum, Yogyakarta museum, and technology museum. I went there by my friend car at eight past thirty and arrived at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah or in short I called it “Little Garden” at eleven o’clock. The first place I went was Bali museum. 
    In this museum I saw many things that have connection with Bali like a Leak mask, Balinese traditional clothes, Balinese musical instrument, and some traditional Balinese dance properties. That museum was consisted from some traditional house that have arranged in such a way. There were sixteen traditional  buildings in that area namely Candi Bentar, Bale Bengong, Sanggah Penuggun Karang, Bale Wantilan, Bale Paruman, Kori Agung, Bale Aling – Aling, Bale Rangki, Bale Gede, Bale Dauh, Bale Loji, Bale Jineng, Bale Paon, Sanggah Pengijeng, and the last was Merajan. Every building in that place have very own purpose in the community life.
    After observing museum of Bali I went to the next place, museum of Yogyakarta. Unfortunately when I came there was some kind of event that held in that museum which make these place so crowded with people,
so I can’t get enough information about that place and I had forced to use internet as my source for that task. This make me a little disappointed. Before continuing the trip, time had showed lunch time so I and my friends think we must had a rest first. We went to a fast food restaurant, but you know what? Actually I had brought my own lunch. When I had take a sit inside I saw a message that said a costumer was not allowed to bring their own food inside. Oh man that was very disappointing cause I just can watch my friends eating so happily, but actually I could ate my own food if only I was a bad person,
unfortunately I'm the type of person with high sense of justice who is always trying to not break the rules no matter how small it is.
    Felling fuel we continued our trip to the last place, the museum of technologies. First time you went there you will be welcomed by a big plane tire in front of the ticket counter. Getting inside you’ll see lot of props that are useful in scientific experiment. I was very excited with this place, this place was make me as curious as a child, fortunately you are not there when I act like a child, that would be very embarrassing. That place in this case the museum had an auditorium too which used as playback for an educational films. Fortunately I came at the right
time to see the movies so I get in, take a seat and watch the film peacefully. As were commonly, after playing the film the auditorium had change into an open lab so every visitor can see and participating in a scientific experiment using real props just like a scientist did. Don’t be afraid to participating, there was an experienced guide that will oversee any action of yours in any single experiment. At least there was three experiment that were performed. Before I had forget, the ticket price to get in to “Little Garden” was fifteen thousand rupiah and for the museum of technologies was sixteen thousand and five hundred rupiah. How about the other? Don’t worry they were free. Back to the story, after I feel that I had enough fun and information I told my friend that we should go home now. Then not so long we was on the way back to home.

(Based on true stories of Lungun Ali Rusky Simbolon a student from 11 Science 3 class about his journey to the “Little Garden” and the most important is he make this by himself or in this case, I made this by myself.)

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